News & Communications

  1. Domenico Grasso appointed as Chancellor of UM-Dearborn

    February 15, 2018

    Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to announce the appointment of Domenico Grasso as U-M Dearborn’s new chancellor, beginning Aug. 1. The Board of Regents approved the appointment at today’s meeting. Dr. Grasso comes to UM-Dearborn with distinguished academic credentials and solid, proven administrative leadership experience. His career has been marked by thoughtful and creative initiatives …

  2. Biosciences Initiative releases first Request for Applications

    February 12, 2018

    President Mark Schlissel’s Biosciences Initiative on Monday issued its first Request for Applications to U-M faculty, calling for high-impact research initiatives focused on solving critical problems in the biosciences.

  3. President Schlissel’s Detroit Free Press Letter to the Editor

    February 11, 2018

    Conflating the University of Michigan’s management of its successful, transparent and essential endowment with the horrific criminal activity of a sexual predator is irresponsible, incomprehensible and false. The Free Press’ Feb 4 editorial (“Can MSU, U-M overcome burden of old boys’ network?”) and the endowment stories it references invent conclusions and peddle innuendo not supported by facts. …

  4. Richard Spencer will not come to U-M this semester

    January 26, 2018

    The University of Michigan will continue to consider a request from representatives of white supremacist Richard Spencer to rent space to speak on the Ann Arbor campus, but no potential dates are being considered before the end of the academic year.

  5. OIE releases annual report on prohibited student conduct

    January 25, 2018

    Reports and investigations of prohibited student conduct at the University of Michigan increased in fiscal year 2017, following the addition of new types of allegations covered under the university’s policy, and increased efforts to enhance awareness of these issues and how to report concerns.

  6. Preventing and addressing sexual misconduct at the University of Michigan

    January 25, 2018

    To All Members of the Campus Community: Preventing sexual and gender-based misconduct is the responsibility of all of us at the University of Michigan. Across the state and nation, and in our own community, we hear heartbreaking accounts of survivors who have bravely come forward to share their painful and deeply personal experiences. I commend their efforts to help bring …

  7. Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Search

    January 15, 2018

    The University of Michigan is seeking a new vice president for information technology and chief information officer.  Information technology and this position are crucial for enhancing our standing as a world-class university dedicated to education, discovery, innovation and healthcare. The position reports to the president of the University. The VPIT-CIO provides enterprise-wide leadership, collaboratively guiding investment in and support of IT …

  8. Welcome to a new semester at the University of Michigan

    January 5, 2018

    To All Members of the Campus Community: I am pleased to welcome you back to the University of Michigan, and I hope you enjoyed a restful and peaceful winter break. We were proud to celebrate the graduation of nearly 1,000 students from our Ann Arbor campus during Winter Commencement last month. The ceremony also included recognition of …

  9. President Schlissel, Big Ten universities ask Congress to protect DACA students

    December 13, 2017
  10. Schlissel calls for tax bill that protects student interests

    December 7, 2017

    President Mark Schlissel urged elected leaders to pass a tax-reform bill that protects the interests, futures and aspirations of college students and doctoral candidates in his remarks at Thursday’s Board of Regents meeting.