To All Members of the Campus Community: We are looking forward to everyone enjoying a vibrant in-person experience this fall on our campus. Our dorms will be alive and at near full capacity, and our dining services will offer both eat-in and carry-out services. About 93 percent of undergraduate classes will be offered in person, …
News & Communications
U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update
July 6, 2021 -
Changes to university spending restraints and budget update
June 18, 2021Dear Colleagues: The University of Michigan Board of Regents passed a budget yesterday that increases the minimum wage of permanent employees to $15 per hour, includes contractual increases for bargained-for employees, provides modest salary programs for faculty and staff, and allows us to responsibly lift the campuswide spending constraints we implemented in April 2020 in …
U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update
June 17, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: To support our return to more traditional residential campus activities, we’re changing our masking policies and adding a number of new tools for members of our community. Many are the result of your feedback and suggestions, and we appreciate your engagement in the health and safety of our …
Supporting one another during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
June 9, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: I first want to acknowledge the tremendous pain and suffering experienced in the University of Michigan community stemming from the violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The conflict is felt on a deeply personal level for many of our students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and retirees. As Chief Diversity …
Record: U-M to establish new Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
June 4, 2021 -
Weekly U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update
May 28, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: Here are the main updates at-a-glance: COVID-19 cases related to campus remain very low. Cases in the surrounding community have decreased significantly over the past several weeks, with average daily rates now below the response metric threshold. We are continuing to evaluate the U-M face covering policy and our distancing …
Weekly U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update
May 21, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: Here are the main updates at-a-glance: We’re examining all of the changes in the State of Michigan and CDC guidance on gathering sizes, distancing and face coverings. We’re also waiting for guidance from Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA), which still has workplace health and safety measures …
U-M will achieve carbon neutrality across all greenhouse gas emissions scopes
May 20, 2021To All Members of the University Community: In March, the President’s Commission on Carbon Neutrality issued its final report and recommendations, after two years of thorough analysis, community engagement and expert input. The commission’s report, along with the tremendous advocacy and passion in our community, lead us to be confident in the major commitments we announce today to address …
Weekly U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update
May 14, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: Here are the main updates at-a-glance: COVID-19 vaccine supplies are plentiful, and anyone who wishes to be vaccinated can do so readily and at no cost. The vaccine is highly effective and safe. Don’t miss your shot, as we continue to strive to return to a more residential …
Report of the investigation of Robert Anderson
May 11, 2021To All Members of the Campus Community: The University of Michigan offers its heartfelt apology for the abuse perpetrated by the late Robert Anderson (deceased in 2008). Today, we received WilmerHale’s 240-page report at the same time it was released publicly. The report is available on the U-M Board of Regents website. We will thoughtfully …