News & Communications

  1. May 2024 video message

    May 6, 2024

    Hello colleagues and friends across the U-M community. With another academic year behind us – and a summer full of sunshine ahead, it is an opportune moment to pause and reflect, to assess not only our achievements, but the state of our well-being. The well-being of our staff, students and faculty is and remains one …

  2. Vision 2034 and the Year of Democracy and Civic Engagement

    April 8, 2024

    Dear friends, colleagues, students, staff and members of our faculty,  For the past year, we have engaged in a strategic visioning process to determine what we will dare to achieve as a great public university. More than 25,000 students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and local community members engaged in this highly collaborative process. Their input …

  3. Listening to your feedback on the draft disruptive activity policy

    April 2, 2024

    Dear students, faculty and staff: Last week we published a draft policy on disruptive activity with the goal of ensuring the university’s position is clear, easy to access, and supportive of our mission. We’ve received a robust response to our call for feedback. I’m encouraged by the passion and rigor with which our community has …

  4. Statement at March 2024 Board of Regents

    March 28, 2024

    (As prepared for delivery) I’d like to begin by expressing my most sincere gratitude to Sally Churchill. This is her last meeting with us as U-M vice president and secretary, a position she has served in for nearly two decades. Sally will soon transition to service as special advisor to the vice president and secretary, …

  5. Statement on disruptions to university events and operations

    March 26, 2024

    Dear students, faculty and staff, The disruption of the university’s 101st Honors Convocation by anti-Israel protesters on Sunday brought profound disappointment to students, parents, grandparents, siblings, and other relatives and friends. The crowds of well-wishers, including many faculty and staff, had come to Hill Auditorium to celebrate undergraduate students who – through countless hours and …

  6. 101st Honors Convocation

    March 26, 2024

    Due to disruption by protesters, the Honors Convocation ended early. These are President Ono’s remarks as prepared for delivery It is a pleasure and honor to be with all of you this afternoon. I’d like to thank our student speaker and our musicians – they’ve been fantastic! I’d also like to thank the members of …

  7. March 2024 video message

    March 19, 2024

    Hello colleagues and friends across the U-M community!  Spring is a season of new beginnings, and one of the new beginnings we’re most excited about here is in artificial intelligence and Generative AI.  Generative AI is a tool that not only searches and analyzes existing information, but can learn patterns, structures and features, and can …

  8. Updates for the University of Michigan Leadership Team

    March 8, 2024

    Dear colleagues and friends, students, staff and faculty. To serve at the University of Michigan is to celebrate change and honor tradition. Today, we are observing both with our leadership team. First, I am honored to offer my most heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Cunningham on formally accepting an offer to become the 18th president …

  9. February 2024 video message

    February 21, 2024

    Hello colleagues and friends across the U-M community! These wintry days are a time to reflect on where we’ve been, who we are, and what we aspire to be. That’s what makes the Inclusive History Project so important to me. The IHP is charged with telling a more complex and more inclusive history of our …

  10. Statement at February 2024 Board of Regents

    February 15, 2024

    (As prepared for delivery) It’s a pleasure to be with all of you this afternoon. We’ve had a fantastic start to this new year, one that began with our football team bringing home the National Championship! It was an incredible season – our third successive victory over that School Down South; our third consecutive Big …