News & Communications

  1. U-M Ann Arbor COVID-19 Update

    September 3, 2021

    To All Members of the Campus Community: It’s been wonderful to see students back on campus, classes back in person, residence halls full, and teaching, learning and research at levels we haven’t experienced in 18 months. The residential education experience we’ve long taken pride in has returned. I again commend the thousands of faculty, staff …

  2. Record: U-M updates metrics used to monitor spread of COVID-19

    August 31, 2021
  3. Fall 2021 Welcome Email

    August 29, 2021

    To All Members of the Campus Community: Welcome to a new academic year at the University of Michigan! Learning and research have always been the most fundamental components of a U-M education, and as I welcome you to the fall semester in Ann Arbor, I also welcome the return of a more traditional residential experience. As …

  4. Video and additional Q&A: Aug. 27, 2021, Campus COVID-19 Briefing

    August 27, 2021
  5. U-M leaders’ Campus COVID-19 Briefing video available

    August 27, 2021

    To All Members of the Campus Community: I know there are a lot of questions about our approach to promoting health and safety in our community. We held a Campus COVID-19 Briefing this morning to share information and address concerns before our semester begins next week. A video of the briefing is now available on …

  6. Fall term COVID-19 health and safety update

    August 25, 2021

    To All Members of the Campus Community: The University of Michigan’s fall term begins next week, and I want to update you on the work we’re doing to prepare for a vibrant residential educational experience for our students, their instructors and the staff who support these efforts. Thousands of you deserve the credit for these …

  7. Geoffrey Chatas appointed as executive vice president and CFO

    August 12, 2021

    Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to announce the appointment of Geoffrey Chatas as the executive vice president and chief financial officer of the University of Michigan. He will begin Oct. 1 and lead U-M’s Business and Finance organizations, including the Office of Investments, Finance, Facilities and Operations, University Human Resources and the Shared Services Center. He …

  8. COVID-19 Update: Requiring face coverings indoors to enhance community safety

    August 9, 2021

    To All Members of the U-M Community: Here are the main updates at a glance: With COVID-19 cases involving the more infectious delta variant trending up on campus and throughout the nation, state and in Genesee, Washtenaw and Wayne counties, the University of Michigan will require all individuals to wear face coverings in university buildings …

  9. COVID-19 vaccination requirement

    July 30, 2021

    To all members of the university community: Widespread vaccination is the primary and most effective tool that will bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control and it is the key to a vibrant and engaging academic year for all of us in the University of Michigan community. We’re seeing the rate of COVID-19 going up around …

  10. Prioritizing care, support, education and prevention

    July 15, 2021

    To All Members of the University Community: Today, members of the Board of Regents and I announced several actions that will systemically change how the University of Michigan prioritizes the principles of care, support and education in the prevention and adjudication of sexual misconduct. Our goal is simple: to transform our university and its culture …