Incident in Southfield

Students, faculty and staff:

This past year, there have been innumerable events locally and globally that have felt overwhelming and unsettling to many in our community. As tensions in the Middle East have escalated in recent days, it is more important than ever that we work collectively to offer solace and safety to one another.

The university is absolute in its pledge to do whatever it can to protect and care for our students, faculty, staff and visitors. I also urge each of you to be proactive in prioritizing your mental health and well-being, and to take time to reach out to friends and colleagues.

Late last night, a group of Jewish students had gathered for dinner at the Southfield home of a local rabbi when, shortly before 11 p.m., an armed individual entered through an open backdoor, stole a bag and fled. No one was injured and law enforcement officials with the Southfield Police Department are investigating this as a home invasion and a crime of opportunity.

Southfield officers have taken one person into custody and are working to apprehend a second, who has been identified. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Southfield Police Department at (248)-796-5500 reference case number 24-36003 or, to remain anonymous, call 1-800-SPEAK-UP.

The Division of Public Safety and Security has increased security and patrols around campus and neighboring areas. Meanwhile, each of us can do our part to show one another the kindness and respect that so many of us need right now.

These are challenging times, but there is enormous strength in our community. Resolve with me to join together in solidarity, and help everyone feel safe, protected and empowered to live and learn at the University of Michigan.


Santa J. Ono