Dr. David C. Miller to become EVP and CEO of Michigan Medicine in 2025

Colleagues, students and friends,

I’m writing to share the exciting news that Dr. David C. Miller –– a urologist, surgeon and a nationally recognized expert in urological oncology, quality improvement, and health services research –– will become executive vice president for medical affairs at the University of Michigan and chief executive officer of Michigan Medicine, effective July 1, 2025. 

Dr. Miller is an extraordinary leader, a brilliant researcher and the kind of doctor we all hope for when we need exemplary care. His robust clinical background, his collaborative and empathic approach, his understanding of the intricacies of patient care, and his strong strategic vision make him the clear choice for this important leadership role. I am confident he will continue to drive innovation and improvements to ensure U-M Health and the U-M Medical School continue to be beacons of teaching, learning and healing far into the future.

As part of this appointment, the dean for the medical school will become a separate position. Details on the position and process to identify that dean will be announced in the near future.

As Dr. Miller prepares for his new position, I want to take a moment to again recognize Dr. Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D., who has served with distinction as the executive vice president for medical affairs and chief executive officer of Michigan Medicine since March 2015 and dean of the Medical School since January 2016. Dr. Runge was the first individual in the university’s history to serve in all three leadership roles, and his impact on Michigan Medicine has been profound.

Please join me in thanking Dr. Runge for his distinguished career and congratulating Dr. Miller on his new role. For those of you who wish to learn more about Dr. Miller, I encourage you to read the story about him in today’s University Record.


Santa J. Ono
President, University of Michigan